1 to 1 sessions

        Our hearts desire is to be at peace.

        this is our true nature - our original state.

        As human beings we carry a whole history of experience, 

all playing out as mental/emotional issues.

        These issues sit within our system blocking the free flow of energy,

        distorting the way we perceive our reality. 

Tom works in a way that pinpoints key emotional places within his clients and then works to clear and transform them throughout their whole system.  His work involves  MJ  Vortex Healing tools to achieve this kind of depth.  Because of the power and awakening properties of this healing system, the mind/ego's identity to the position of suffering, lets go, creating inner space and authentic transformation.

The important aspect to Healing in this way is generating more capacity

to be with our mental/emotional feelings.  The only way to do this in a healthy way is to practise becoming the awareness within what is happening.

As more is transformed, there is more room to breathe and be at peace where awareness naturally arises.


His weekly and monthly Group sessions offer a space to discover this deeper sense of freedom 

What to expect

If you have not had this sort of work before, the first session will be focused on strenthening, energising and optimizing your energy system.

You may require follow up sessions of this nature if necessary. These prepare you

for deeper release. 

 We can then begin transforming an emotional issue, be it... anxiety, fear, anger, sorrow,  loneliness, shame and so forth. 

Each issue is a thread throughout our energy system and physical body holding us in a particular way, a pattern of tension and dis - ease.   Each thread that is worked on creates an inner shift or transformation... Our whole being lets go to that holding place and realigns itself with our truth. 

How will I feel?

After any session you may feel amazing, energised, open, awake, clear and positive. However you may feel a lot going on leading to opposite experiences. This can be old emotions coming to the surface that may clear through as the process intergrates. you may need to come back if an issue has come to the surface for you to see.  Some things that arise may be very uncomfortable on emotion, mental and physical levels, and that is ok. Toms role as a healer is to help you through, into a place of wellbeing.

There is a very informative Testamony at the bottom of the page for more insight into the nature of this work.

What gets worked on

Karmic and genetic/ancestral conditioning

Emotional/mental issues

Clearing negative astral influences

Clearing and strengthening the energetic pathways and systems

Transforming, optomising & harmonising the system

Awakening ego identity

Physical Ailments


Tom is based near Exeter, Devon and works from Exeter Communtiy Centre , He makes home visits for clients that are unable to travel ( locally) and also at a distance via zoom. .

Distant Healing

Sessions are held on Zoom, which is a great way of connecting face to face. Working at a distance is simple and just as effective.

If you do not have access to a computer then it is possible to communicate via phone, on whatsapp or facetime etc.

Booking a session & pricing

A healing session costs  £80 with the possibility of a concession rate. 

Sessions last around 75mins. 

Please make all payments at least 48 hours before.  


Client Testimony

The first time I had a healing with Tom I was extremely sceptical as to whether it would actually "work". However I was also extremely desperate. I had been suffering from Anxiety and Depression for years and felt like I had tried everything, medication, counselling, exercise, meditation, support groups, flotation tanks. . .the list goes on. Although some of the things I tried gave me relief and helped my mood stabilize for short periods of time, nothing had a lasting effect. When I met Tom I thought I might be coming to the end of my search as, if the healing didn't work, then I might have had to admit defeat. I thought about giving up on life all together on almost a daily basis.

Tom explained the process of Vortex healings and working with Merlin. He explained about what we carried with us from past lives. I listened politely, but I didn't get it. Turns out I didn't need to.

During my first session I could physically feel the dread I'd been carrying around in my heart for so long being lifted out of me. I felt light and positive. I had energy and most importantly, I wanted to live. It would be nice if I could say that I lived happily ever after this experience but of course after years of suffering it took more than one session to have a prolonged effect. Healing is a process and I kept coming back for more. At times, when I felt extremely low, having a healing cleared those feelings and left me able to function again.

It's been 2 years since I started having healings with Tom. When I look back at the state I used to be in and compare myself to now, it’s breath taking. I was often crippled with panic attacks or hit by moods so low that I couldn't get out of bed. I worried constantly. Now I've been off medication for 6 months and have maintained a level mood for long periods of time. I have confidence where I used to have self-doubt and most importantly I want to live and enjoy life, rather than just survive it.

Having healings is not always an easy process. There are the beautiful sessions where you leave feeling as a light as a feather and as if you've been washed on the inside. And there are the emotional ones where you might cry or horrible feelings get thrown up which need to be cleared. It's all so worth it though. Sometimes I may go months without needing a healing and then require two in one week.

Working with Tom over a long period of time has been amazing and I get more and more out of the process. Tom is constantly furthering his knowledge and ability as a healer. I would recommend anyone struggling emotionally to pay him a visit and start their journey.

D Marsh.